Daniel Grosche

Media Engineer

M.Sc. Computer Science


Software Development


Memento is the Latin word for keeping in mind, considering, remembering. It is a synononym for memory or souvenir. During my master thesis an online platform was developed to enable older adults to collect such mementos and share the experiences and stories attached to them with selected readers (e.g. family and friends). The platform was designed for and realized with web technologies. The logic layer uses JavaScript and the frameworks jQuery und Bootstrap. As server technologies PHP and MySQL are used. Memento (external link)

Care calculator

The care calculator is an app designed for tablet computers to enable care givers to get a quick overview on costs and benefits from the public aged care insurance considering different care models. The app was developed with Phonegap and jQuery Mobile. The logic layer is realized in JavaScript using a Model-View-Controller architecture. Care calculator (external link)

My Photoalbum

My Photoalbum helps older adults to keep in touch with family and friends, even though they live further apart. Photos are taken with a tablet computer, arranged in the application and finally attached with meta information. Other persons can be invited to look at the photo album by e-mail. The app was developed with Phonegap and Sencha Touch. The image data is sent to a proxy server using JSON-P for addressing the Google Data API with PHP and Zend framework. Thus Picasa can be used as management tool for the pictures. Download (zip)

AI-Module: Opponent Estimation for Poker

A poker agent platform developed in Java by Korol & Witthold (2010) was extended by a module for opponent estimation. The module stores previous games in a SQL datebase and analyses the opponent's behavior based on that data. Download (zip)

Hitchhiker's Guide

For the subjects Content Management and Web Applications at the University of Melbourne two web applications were built. The first prototype realizes a discussion board with Python, the second one is a system for hitchhiking and carpooling based on PHP. The latter is available as Download (zip).

The Amazing Labyrinth

The board game The amazing Labyrinth was implemented for the subject "Computer Graphic" using the Java 3D class library. Download (zip)


The board game Risk was developed as network-compatible multiplayer game using Java. The application was designed using a client server architecture with RMI. Software, source code, rules und setup instructions as Download (zip)

Competition Manager

To assess the German cup in fire-fighting sports a database management system was developed in 2005. It was created with FoxPro and used until 2014. Than it was succeeded by a web application developed with Ruby on Rails. Download (exe)

Web design

CE Youth Days Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

In 2015 a webpage for the Youth Days of the Christian Endeavor Association was created with Wordpress. The page is redeigned every year according to the slogan of the event. In 2015 and 2016 an online submission was realized using PHP and SQLite. View (external link)

Steak Haus Brasil

Based on an exisiting corporate design a webpage für the steak house was created using Wordpress. View (external link)

Engineering Bureau Oppitz

Design and realization of a logo and a webpage for Joerg Oppitz using Wordpress. View (external link)

Primary School "Käthe Kollwitz"

The primary school "Käthe Kollwitz" in Waren got a new webpage with Wordpress as content mangement system. View (external link)

Lutheran Church Krakow am See

In 2006 the webpage of the church community was created and in 2014 it was redesigned with Wordpress. View (external link)

incom Dirk Grosche

For the IT company incom Dirk Grosche a webpage was created using Joomla as content management system. View (external link)

Scientific work

Computer-aided reminders for a Historytelling-system

Grosche D (2017) Computer-aided reminders for a Historytelling-system. Design and development of a webapplication in the context of grandparent-grandchild-relationships. Masterthesis, Institute for Multimedia und Interactive Systems (IMIS), University of Luebeck.

The Histotytelling-project describes an internet-based platform for older adults to compose and share life experiences and stories with other people. The project applies user centered design methods to engage elderly people in every step of the development process. Based on problem, user and requirement analysis two paper prototypes using a top down as well as a bottom up approach were created. They takes pictures and questions as possible reminders. In the context of grandparent-grandchild-relationships two focal group workshops were conducted and the paper prototypes were evaluated. On the grounds of these finding the web application Memento was designed, implemented und evaluated during a one month field study. Download (pdf)

Internet for older adults

Goebbels A, Grosche D, Schwandt M, Thaeter F (2015) Internet for older adults. Analysis und design of a user interace for tablet computers suitable for the elderly. Case study for professional product development, Institute for Software Engineering und Programming Languages (ISP), University of Luebeck.

Based on the findings of a questionnaire conducted with older older adults as well as the examination of existing tablet computers regarding the suitability of users aged 60+ possible user interfaces were designed, visualized with mockups and finally evaluated with the user group. Download (pdf)

Facing Social Isolation With Mobile Technology

Grosche D (2012) Facing Social Isolation With Mobile Technology. A photo sharing application on tablet computers for elderly people. Bachelorthesis, University of Applied Sciences Bremen.

The thesis examines the problem of social isolation in older adults and the question if technology offers a possible solution. The problem was analysed by conducting background research and examning existing technolgy and guidelines. Based on the findings a prototypical application for tablet computers was designed focussing on pictures as communication media and a simple form of feedback. The prototype was evaluated in a three-week field study with qualitative und quantitative data. The results indicated an enormous demand on technology suitable for the aged with tablet computers being an approach in the right direction. To foster social isolation an application needs to adjust itself on the interests of the users and should be understood only as an additional communcation tool which does not replace personal encounter. Download (pdf)


Malaka R, et al. (2010) Perform! Interactive digital media for music, dance und theater performances.
In: Sieck, Jürgen (Ed.): Kultur und Informatik: Interaktive Systeme. Hülsbusch, 2010, pp. 299-309

Interactive digital media are a rare exception in music, dance und theater performances. Only real time systems can fully support the actors improvisational and interactive freedom. This paper presents elements, which were developed for music, dance und theater performances as well as motivation, design and technical implementation. Download (pdf)


Life and Times of Steve Scatterbrain

Steve Scatterbrain is the nice quiet colleague you won't notice unless this complicated computer thing doesn't work. Come along with Steve Scatterbrain on one day in his everyday life and his job as IT professional. Linear version (youtube) or Interactive version (external link)

Searching for Bielefeld

Digital Truth was the topic of this subject at the University of Arts Bremen. How does digital media influence our perception? A 20-minute short film in the genre mockumentary (consisting of mocked documentary - false content presented as documentary.) was created. The subject of the film is the Bielefeld conspiracy, which doubts the existence of that city. A mixture between travel report and scandal journalism shall proof that this conspiracy theory is wrong. You need to know Nortwestern Germany to see that this proof is insufficient. View (vimeo)

Other design

Flyer: CE Youth Days Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

In 2015 and 2016 an invitation flyer for the Christian Endeavor Youth Days in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern were designed. The first one used a mosaic of the pictues of the previous year as background and the symbols of fire and dove for the Holy Spirit, which was the topic of that year. In 2016 the flyer was designed simpler as a postcard.

Logo: Generation+

A logo was designed for the teenager group Generation+ of the Lutheran church community Krakow am See. The name originates from a part of the second verse of the song Hosanna by Hillsong. The color transition from the plus to the cross symbolizes the additional value of faith for the rising generation.

Audio play: You are special

For the subject Sounddesign an audio version of the child book You are special by Max Lucado was designed using Cubase. Listen (wav)

Project 48h

Goal of one subject at the University of Arts Bremen was to create media projects on three weekends. The self-chosen focus Photography was realized on the gallery Hafenwelten in the beginning, but during the course the camera got lost in the tram on the way to the university. Thus a flash game to deal with the loss in a self-deprecating way was created instead.


In the subject Foundations of Design at the University of Arts Bremen a visualization of the word Typodisco with its capital letters C, D, I, O, O, P, S, T, Y using the font Gill Sans Bold was created to get to know the design process and the basic concepts of designing. Typodisco is a composite of typography and discotheque, so that in the visualization the letters are going to dance. Animation (flash) and Concept (pdf)


Pain Diary

For the subject Human-Computer-Interaction on behalf and with support of the IT company incom Dirk Grosche an (electronic) pain diary was designed using methods of Contextual Designs. A pain diary is a contemporary protocol which is created by the pain patient and keeps track of the pain and its circumstances. Download (pdf)

Expertise determination for virtual teams

During the subject Media Theory challenges for the staff involved in virtualiaziation of collaboration in business context have been exmanined. As starting point a conceptual e-learning platform for cross-cultural competence and virtual teams was used. Main skills for virtual collaboration were identified and opportunities to capture these skills were developed using a multimedia-based questionnaire. Download (pdf)

Museumsportal Worpswede

A platform for museums in the village Worpswede were designed and implemented as prototype for the subject Software Ergonomics. After an analysis of existing platforms crucial criteria for an ergenomic approach were identified and finally realized as a webpage. Download (pdf)

Competition Manager

In the subject Media Engeineering a concept for a remake of the competition manager as web application was created. In 2015 the remake was finished by Georg Limbach using Ruby on Rails. Download (pdf)

Code: Red

Code: Red is a mobile multi-player game for two teams mit with up to two mobile devices per team. In the beginning each team gets a code, which must be hidden in the playing field. The target of the game is to find the code of your opponent first. more...


Escape is the prototype of a mobile quiz game, which is played in a locked building. Two rival teams were given the runaround to get the keycode for the locked door by answering quiz questions right. Only the team which enters the code at the exit first does escape. more...


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